The Crystal Palace

Collection: African American Newspapers
Date: July 22, 1853
Title: For Frederick Douglass Paper
Location: Rochester, N. Y.

For Frederick Douglass Paper.

NEW YORK, July, 16th, 1853.

MR. EDITOR: - THE Buckeyes and their friends have been “about,” I tell you. They not only carried the meeting, in Dr. Pennington's Church, by storm last night, but carried the Sixth Avenue cars, and the Crystal Palace during the day. Our phlegmatic and fat fellow-gothamites have been “laying pipe,” or lines of circumvallation since the May meetings, about the shamefully exclusive Sixth Avenue cars; and they have been casting the “Horoscope,” as to whether colored people would be admitted to the Crystal Palace - (on this last subject it has been whispered that the minister of St. Phillips, by special request of the Church warden and Vestry, has nearly prepared a greasy sermon to reconcile even his parishioners to the indignity of exclusion from the Palace; when a young Buckeye and his friends, in a few minutes, quietly toed the mark, and settled the question . Honor to the West! IT GROWS MEN!! ALL HAIL TO THE PRODUCER! I suppose that wicked David Jenkins, of Ohio, would add “three groans for the East; it uses up manhood; down with the consumer !” Concern the fellow!